Heart-Shaped Diamond Pendant in 18k White Gold (jnd13)

Price does not include duty/tax
As shown, USD7296.08
Product Details
Item Specifications
18K White Gold
Chain length
18.0 inches
3/4 inch
0.82 inches
Approximate weight
6.82 grams
Diamond Information
Number of centre round diamonds
Minimum carat total weight (ct. tw.)
Quality Grade
Natural - AAA
Setting Type
What Our customers Say
The customer service at Fonder Diamond is amazing! They helped me design the perfect custom engagement ring and kept me informed every step of the way, responding to every question and comment to my full satisfaction. And most importantly, the finished product was absolutely stunning. Im certainly looking forward to returning to Fonder Diamond for our wedding bands. - Zach Great company, the staff helped me along and I found exactly what I was looking for. I was able to stop in the showroom to have a consultation, and was a lot more informed afterwards about the different options I had when it came to custom-making a ring. Thank you for the splendid service! -Celine I had a great experience shopping for the perfect engagement ring, with step-by-step, pressure-free and judgement-free explanations of diamond properties and their overall impact on the final piece. Good, responsive customer service. Highly recommended! - Diana My experience with Fonder Diamond was great- a huge selection, with pretty good prices. Good customer service, with accurate order tracking and free overnight delivery. Everything was pretty much as expected when I received it. First time buyer here, so a pretty smooth process as far as I see it. Thanks for the smooth transaction! - Grace

Impeccable Craftsmanship In Sophisticated Designs

GIA Certification

The Gemological Institute of America (Gemological Institute of America), referred to as the GIA.

GIA diamond certification is the international standard for diamond appraisal recognized by the global jewellery industry.